Monday, 29 November 2010

Have you heard? It's in the stars!

Are you a financially flexible Gemini, or a cash conscious Cancerian?

This week, my 20p bargain from the library's sale shelf was 'Money Signs: A Beginner's Guide', by Christeen Skinner. This little book examines each of the astrological signs in relation to how they handle money. I've had an entertaining couple of evenings reading through it, trying to identify traits of my friends and family.

I tend to be sceptical about astrology - until I read something that is so uncannily accurate that I think 'wow'. And I have to say that reading the chapter about my own star sign of Aries made me laugh.

Apparently we Aries folk travel between extremes of having plenty of money, and having none. Yes, my lifestyle does tend to lurch between famine and feast. And Christeen Skinner says that as a result of these fluctuations in our finances, people born under Aries develop a laissez-faire attitude to money. Yes, I have to agree with that too. In fact there are so many things in the Aries chapter that I recognise in myself that I am unable to quote them all for fear of infringing copyright!

At the end of each chapter are some suggestions for how people of each star sign can improve their ability to handle money. Again, more cause for laughter from me. One of the things I am advised to do is to save one type of coin in a jar. I did this for quite a while with twenty pence pieces. Once I even saved £10 and put it in my building society. But I've never managed to repeat my great achievement, because these days I have to keep raiding the jar to pay my tea money at work. See? Hopeless! Must try harder.

Now where did I put that piggy bank?


Teresa Ashby said...

Sounds interesting. I too find it uncanny how accurate these things can be.

Joanna said...

Yes, that's definitely accurate. My husband is Aries too and handles money in exactly that way. And he never worries about it when we have none, nor gets over-excited when we are better off. (Not that the latter happens very often.)

Old Kitty said...

Oh dear!! I have Aries rising in my Cancerian sign. Oh dear. I'm doomed! LOL!

What a fun book - a fab bargain - so there you are Aries!! You know your bargains!! :-) Take care

Unknown said...

Hmm, I'm an Aries too (but just barely) and I tend to worry about money and scrimp and save. :)

Anonymous said...

I too am sceptical about astrology but that doesn't prevent me from looking at my horoscope if I buy a magazine!

My significant other is an Aries. I'll find him a jam jar and he can practise saving. :-)

joanne fox said...

Teresa, astrology makes no logical sense to me but I still find it fascinating - and sometimes it does ring true.

Joanna, your husband sounds just like me - how reassuring!

Kitty, yes we all love a bargain don't we?

Janel you must be what they call 'on the cusp', so maybe Aries is not that accurate for you.

Good luck with the jam jar Christine! x

bazza said...

Hello Joanne. We Virgos are very sceptical about astrology!
I think the point is that when something 'rings true' one instantly forgets about the the other 90% that was hoplelessly wrong.
I would not spend 20p on a book by someone so desperate she has to spell her first name as 'Christeen'.
It's almost as pretentious as someone named Barry calling himself Bazza!
Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’

joanne fox said...

Oh I have long experience of you picky Virgos, Bazza. Christeen's suggestion for you - "Set aside some money for a 'fun' budget." Does that ring true at all? ;-)

Anonymous said...

Interesting, I wonder what it says about Pisces? My husband is Aries and he's very careful with money. I have 'Sun Signs for Writers' which is great fun dipping into. A friend gave it to me last birthday.
I've just posted an excerpt on mine for comments :O)

joanne fox said...

Madeleine: Pisces - (I can only pick out a few brief points and will probably sound like Mystic Meg.) Beware the dangers of credit cards! Budgeting is quite hard for you. So is long term saving. You're a generous soul, but also a great haggler!

Your 'Sun Signs for Writers' sounds interesting. I must look out for it.

Whether we believe in astrology or not, these kinds of books do provide good ideas for character traits. You can ask yourself, how would this type of person react to that type of person - and it's very easy to go on and construct a whole story around that relationship.

bazza said...

Oh dear! Actually that does sound like me!

joanne fox said...

Worry not Bazza, you have good organisational skills and an ability to negotiate effectively!

Talli Roland said...

I'm Aries and it's definitely feast or famine for me! :)

joanne fox said...

You too Talli! Guess the next feast is just around the corner then!

THE SNEE said...

Wow! You budding astrologists are having all sorts of fun here today. Another blogger over in Malaysia known as Grandpa also wrote a bit about astrology and love...Chinese style. Checking with Mr. Google, I found out that I'm a water tiger mixed up with Taurus which makes me a bit laissez faire about money too, except I like to spend it, and don't like it when I can't. Hmmm...that might explain alot.

joanne fox said...

That sounds really interesting Snee - I will look it up later.

Going against my impulsive Aries nature, I went Christmas shopping today and all I bought myself was a pair of slippers. I did so well to resist the white furry reindeer, Peruvian knitwear and velour lounging pants!

larainydays said...

I enjoy astrology, but only to make fun of it because I don't like being told what to do!

joanne fox said...

Ever the rebel Laraine!

Suzanne Ross Jones said...

Oooh, this sounds like a great book. What does it say about Pices?


joanne fox said...

Swim away from that credit card, little fishy!