Arrrfff! Harvey here. I was ten last Thursday. Any gifts of tennis balls gratefully received. Total destruction guaranteed within twenty minutes.
What with one thing and another, Mrs Boss has had to join the ranks of the 6a.m. dogwalkers, traipsing the darkened streets with a torch. She says she doesn't mind clear mornings when the sky is all black and twinkly, but rain is not so much fun.
Also, while she is not the most social of persons (particularly at 6a.m) she is surprised to find the early morning joggers incapable of as much as a grunt of hello.
So anyway, while she may be too whacked to keep up the blogging right now, she just wants to say that she is still batting about. She was happy to have a poem commended in the Sentinel quarterly poetry competition. It has reminded her that she is supposed to be a writer, and therefore should be writing.
Before that, though, my next walk is due. Oooh look - it's raining!
A belated happy birthday to you, Harvey! And congratulations to Joanne :-)
Aarrrfff - Hayley - you were so swift with that comment, I almost swallowed my tennis ball. Harvey.
Happy Birthday Harvey from Bad Bonnie. I would give you a couple of my tennis balls as a present but then I might have to fight you to get them back! Say well done to your owner for me. Woof.
Mrs Boss must really love you, Harvey. I am not sure I would get up at 6 AM in winter rain to walk with ANYONE!
Awwwww Harvey!!! Do you like walks in the rain? You are such a romantic!! Well I'm glad you had a fabulous and fun birthday! I hope your Mrs Boss continues to get you lots more tennis balls and treats!! Yay!!!
Please tell her how happy I am for her about her wonderful poem!! Oh but you must ensure she doesn't slacken with her writing, Harvey! Woof! Take care
Happy birthday, Harvey.
Ten barks for your birthday! Our humans struggle to take us out in the wet too, but they forget Golden Retrievers love water.
Riley and Enzo
Bad Bonnie - I'm a barker, not a fighter, but thank you for the thought.
Jenny, I am a pretty lovable dog and am sure I could persuade you!
Old Kitty - yes - more treats! More more more!
Patsy - Happy Tuesday.
Riley and Enzo - twenty barks back!
Hi Harvey. You have the look of a dog that has been around the block a few times! Happy Birthday to you and greetings to Mrs Boss.
CLICK HERE for Bazza’s Blog ‘To Discover Ice’
Bazza - takes one to know one. Harvey.
Harvey, you are gorgeous. Belated Happy Birthday to you and congratulations to Mrs Boss for her commended poem and may there be many more.x
What a handsome chap! Your mistress is to be commended for being out and about at that unearthly hour.
Joanna - thank you and congrats on your own recent successes. Have a tennis ball.
Rosemary - I am, yes!
Happy Birthday, Harvey!
Monty and Harlow
Belated Happy Birthday, lovely Harvey. x
Harvey - you're wuvely!
Sam, Suzanne and Biddy - "Arf!" (That's doggish for yes, I am very lovely, thank you.)
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