A couple of weeks ago it was confirmed that the place where I've worked for the last nine years is to close in the spring. At the moment none of us really know what we'll do next. Although in one way, it's good to see new possibilities ahead, I know we have emotional weeks to go through while we wind things down.
Harvey was twelve recently, and is doing OK for his age. He still has times of appearing quite vacant, and he sleeps a lot, but in himself he seems content.
I follow a few blogs about sewing, and this week had a stroke of luck in a book giveaway. The blog is A Stitching Odyssey, and I was so excited to win this, which arrived in the post this morning...
If any of you watched The Great British Sewing Bee last year, you will remember runner up Chinelo Bally. Her way of working freehand was fascinating, just using measurements, not patterns, and The book explains how to do it! I am really looking forward to trying out some of Chinelo's techniques. They look very creative and liberating, compared with using our traditional paper patterns.
Marie at A Stitching Odyssey has another great giveaway going on right now, for some lovely fabric. Do have a look if you are a fabric fetishist like me!
So, I may be out of work soon, but I shall not be short of things to do. With metres of fabric already in my drawer, I may even have a whole new wardrobe before too long. Watch this space.